Effective immediately, hospitals will no longer be accepting or receiving large and medium sharps containers for disposal from EMS crews.
Effective immediately, hospitals will no longer be accepting or receiving large and medium sharps containers for disposal from EMS crews. Small sharps shuttles can still be deposited and disposed of in fixed receptacles at the hospital. Small sharp shuttles should not be used for anything other than needles, IV catheters, lancets, and empty glass medication vials. No other trash should be placed in a sharp shuttle.
Supply has created a program to pick up your large and medium sharps containers when they have been filled to the fill/full line indicated on the container and the container has been prepared for safe disposal. Requests for pickup of filled sharps containers can be submitted via the logistics ordering website:
Full sharps containers will be picked up by supply in conjunction with the weekly station supply delivery schedule. To ensure safety of individuals assisting with the disposal of full sharps containers, ensure that the sharps containers are not filled past the fill/full line shown on each container. The containers must be properly sealed/locked and the outside of the container must be clean. Place your full sharps containers that are scheduled for pickup in a location that can be easily seen and accessed by the supply delivery driver.
If you have any questions regarding disposal of sharps containers, please contact Staff Captain Peter Young.
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